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Living in the Shadows – Gospel.PUB

Living in the Shadows

“In the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge” (Psa 57:1) 

The use of antidepressants has almost doubled since 2002. Twelve percent of men, fifteen percent of women and twelve percent of children are taking some form of psychological and behavioral drugs. The diagnoses of psychological and behavioral issues substantially increased since 2001; more than one‐in‐five adults was on at least one of these medications in 2010, up 22 percent from ten years earlier according to a study by Medco.

What would cause such an increase in the use of psychological drugs? People have been driven into the shadows of depression, anxiety, fear and insecurity by the events of life and have turned to the medical sciences for hope of relief.

To be clear, there are some organic psychological disorders that plague some people that are the results of genetic disruptions that come as the result of sin’s degradation of the perfection of God’s creation but for the most part drugs are promised as a panacea to correct insecurities, fears, anger issues and other behavioral issues that are created by people who are living in the shadows of life and not the light of God.

People turn to the use of drugs, both legal and illegal, to cope with the shadows of despair that are cast in their lives and find, at best, a temporary relief that masks the pain of the shadows they are living in. In 1978, John Conlee wrote the song “Rose Colored Glasses”. Taking his song from the French idiom first used in the 1800’s  "l'optimiste souriant qui regarde la vie à travers des lunettes roses" (The smiling optimist who looks at life through pink glasses.)  

This idiom was recast in English to imply the intentional removal of things that are not pleasant in our lives. The song by John Conlee adds a disclaimer to this idiom, “But these rose colored glasses that I'm looking through show only the beauty cause they hide all the truth.”

The use of mind-altering drugs indeed allow for a “Pollyanna” life view but it is temporary. As the effects of the drugs diminish; the shadows return. The reliance on mind-altering drugs creates a circular emotional experience that always leads to hiding “all the truth.”

Drugs will hide the truth of why the shadows of life are affecting us. It also will hide the way to escape the shadows that require the “rose-colored glasses.” There is hope and peace for all who are dependent upon the chemical glasses that show only the beauty but are hiding the truth.

Jesus says to the ones who are living under the fog of mind-altering drugs:

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Mat 11:28-30)

For the unlearned people, who are void of the hope of the gospel, it is understandable for them to turn to the advice of doctors to use these drugs to help them live in the shadows of this life. We who know the hope of the Saviour have help that is far greater than drugs that alter our perception of the shadows of this world we face.

For you that have experienced the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ; you have a different hope:

“Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace.”(2 Th 2:16)

Followers of Jesus have an “everlasting consolation” this is to be understood as a perpetual comfort. We come to Jesus in every shadow of life and lay our burdens on Him and find rest from the shadows of despair that this world places in our lives. Jesus' promise to you is simple - “I will give you rest.”

If you are living in the shadows of this world and are depending on the “rose-colored glasses” of mind-altering drugs, let me offer you help that will deliver you from the shadow of despair. Come to Jesus and let Him give you rest.

Living your life in the shadow of the cross of Jesus will not hide all the truth but will release the power that the shadows of this world hold over you. Jesus said if you will follow after Him and His teachings you, “shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32)

The darkening of truth with drugs or the light of God through the gospel, it is your choice. Will you be free from the darkness that the shadows of depression, anxiety, fear and insecurity bring? Repent and call on Jesus. Believe the gospel and you will be given rest and peace.

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