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 Living Life in Jesus – Gospel.PUB

 Living Life in Jesus

 “Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ.” Philippians 1:27

What a question to ask of a believer! The word “conversation” does not merely mean our talk and conversing with one another but the whole course of our life and behavior in the world. To place this in a context so we may better understand the depth of this question, let me ask this same question to you about the following life quests.

Is your “conversation” in your daily activities “becometh” your spouse? Would your spouse be pleased with what you say, do or think about others you work or have social interaction with? If your husband or wife could observe your thoughts or actions you engage other men or women with, would it encourage or discourage your relationship with them?

Is your “conversation” in your daily activities examples of how you want your children to be or are you hiding your thoughts and actions from them hoping they will not be imitators of you?

We have been granted citizenship in the Kingdom of God. There are both privileges and responsibilitys that come with our new-found position as a child of the King. The Apostle Paul encourages us to, “let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ.”

What did Paul mean when he said, “becometh the gospel?” In the following verses, the Apostle gives us a guide to have a “conversation” that “becometh the gospel.” Paul said:

“And in nothing terrified by your adversaries: which is to them an evident token of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that of God." (Php 1:27-28)

We are given two actions that will validate that our “conversation” is advancing the gospel of Jesus. One is unity. Paul said the lives of believers need to be in unity; focused on the “spirit” of God. There is only one-way people from all nations, genders and races can be unified and that is through the Spirit of God.

The word of God makes this claim:

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.” (Gal 3:28-29)

When we acknowledge that all followers of the gospel are now the children of God and “heirs to the promise” we find unity. Unity is how our “conversation” is becoming to the gospel. Unity is how we find peace, not just with God but with others in and outside the church.

The purpose of the gospel is to bring peace with God and unity within the household of God. We find this truth in these words:

“For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father. Now, therefore, ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God.” (Eph 2:18-19)

The second attribute that the Apostle reveals is courage and confidence in the power of the gospel. Paul said that our “conversation” should be lived out in full confidence in the power of the gospel. The words, “in nothing terrified by your adversaries” is an encouragement when we face opposition because of our faith. Paul said that our hope is the condemnation to the unbeliever who opposes our spiritual unity in the gospel. 

Paul said our hope is a reminder of the awaiting judgment for the unbeliever when he said our salvation was an “evident token of perdition” to the lost. We should face the critics of the gospel in the power of spiritual unity and confidence in the power of God to keep His promises.

God’s word gives us this encouragement in these words spoken by the Apostle Paul as he awaited death for his “conversation” lived out before the lost:

“I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. (2 Ti 1:12)   

Is your “conversation” lived each day worthy of the gospel of Jesus? If so, may God be praised. If not, seek unity in the spirit of God with others in the gospel of Jesus and stand in confidence when you are opposed for the gospel’s sake knowing that your salvation is a reminder to the lost of the impending judgment that awaits them in death. 

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