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The Truth About Sin – Gospel.PUB

The Truth About Sin

Exposing Sin

God establishes His righteousness by rejecting sinners from His presence because of the caustic nature of sin. Sin’s work in humanity always brings death. Death of hope, death to relationships, death in the physical body and spiritual death.

The Apostle Paul, speaking to the issue of God’s law, said:

“Was then that which is good made death unto me? God forbid. But sin, that it might appear sin, working death in me by that which is good; that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful.” (Rom 7:13)

The purpose of God’s law is not to make people righteous but rather to expose sin and bring its terrible effects into focus to the one who has been suffered its sting of death. 

Delicate Skin

A child is born into this world with skin so soft that the clothing and bedding that comes into contact with their skin has to be extra soft so not to harm their delicate skin. As the child grows and starts moving, turning, crawling and finally walking, they gradually harden their delicate skin. Soon, this daily exposure to their world allows the child to experience life, for the most part, without pain in the harshness of their world they live in. 

Sin Should Cause Pain

Child of God, you must beware of the hardening of your heart to the effects of sin. Sin should cause pain and even fear in the life of a born-again follower of God. Just as a newborn baby is wounded by the harshness of the world they are born into, newborn “babes in Christ” should be wounded in their spirit by the brushes with the sin they encounter.

We are warned about the danger of allowing sin to rub against our daily walk with God and how it will affect a child of God. A warning is found in God’s word for any who think they can co-exist with sin without a negative outcome “lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.” Heb 3:13

Justifying Ungodly Behavior

If we harden our heart to the Spirit of God when we experience guilt and grief that sin brings, we will soon find ourselves questioning what is sinful and trying to justify ungodly behavior. The follower of the Saviour who seeks to brush against sin will soon find a shift in how they approach discipleship with Jesus.

A life that once was lived seeking God’s approval will be changed into seeking God to approve their life as they follow after the pleasures of this world. Sin is not advantageous for the child of God. We are warned, “For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.” (Gal 5:17)

The successful follower of Jesus will not find pleasure in sin but in the Saviour:

“Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” (Psa 37:4)

A follower of Jesus seeks to know the righteousness of God as revealed in God’s word; not to find God’s forgiveness but because they have found His forgiveness.

Exposing Sin

The law of God to the sinner is to expose sin as “exceedingly sinful” and lead them to the grace and mercy that is found in the redemptive work of the Saviour. “Finding favor with God” is to have His desires for your life to become yours; His ways your ways, His thoughts your thoughts and His will and purpose for your life, your will and purpose for your life.

Jesus said:

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Mat 6:33)

If you seek after God’s righteousness, all of your life’s concerns and needs will be handled by God as His love and favor are directed to you. To know Jesus is to know the power of God in order to live a victorious life.

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