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Losing Faith – Gospel.PUB

Losing Faith

Abandoning the Faith

Are you a parent whose child has walked away from their Christian faith? You are not alone. It is reported that over 80 percent of children of Christian families abandoned their faith by the time they reach the age of majority.

The loss of the children in Christian families is often the topic of discussion in Christian leadership and is viewed through the filter of church growth. Attrition is normal in any institution and must be addressed if the institution is to remain intact and continue to exist.

The focus of denominations and church groups when addressing the problem of the decline of America’s Church often is how to change the church’s institution to reflect the current culture. Attempting to attract the younger generation to attend church by changing how church is presented does not address the issue of America’s youth abandoning their faith in the sacrificial work of the Saviour.

What is the Root Problem?

The root problem for people walking away from the Lord’s Church is found in these words of Apostle John:

“They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.” (1 Jn 2:19)

America’s Church has been changed from a retreat from the world’s culture. In crafting church growth, many church groups have restructured the basic purpose of the Lord’s church from a place for the born-again followers of Jesus to a community center.

Whom say ye that I am?

Jesus structured His church on the confession of the Apostle Peter when Jesus asked His disciples: “Whom say ye that I am?” (Mat 16:15)
Peter speaking for the disciples said:

“Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (Mat 16:16)

Peter and the disciples recognized the deity of Jesus and that was the reason they followed Him.
Jesus taught and confessed that He and God the father were one in the same. Jesus having now established that He was indeed God Himself declared He was worthy to be praised. The worship of Jesus would be the purpose for His church.
Jesus spoke about what equips someone to be a part of His church with these words of approval to Peter:

“Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.” (Mat 16:17)

Are you an Imposter?

Jesus said that Peter had experienced a supernatural revelation of who He was and it was on this confession of Peter that Jesus said: “I will build my Church.” To be in the Lord’s Church requires supernatural revelation.

Going back to the Apostle John’s explanation for people abandoning the Lord’s Church... what did John mean when he said: “They went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us?” John declared that the abandoning of the Lord’s Church was proof the ones who abandon the Lord’s Church were never a part of the true church but were imposters of the faith. 

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