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Living in the Thorn Bush – Gospel.PUB

Living in the Thorn Bush

Do you sometimes feel all alone? If so, consider yourself normal. Moses, the spiritual and political leader of the soon-to-form nation, was in exile from the only home he ever knew. Not only his home but his family, friends and community.

Forty years before Moses learned that he was adopted into the royal family, he murdered an Egyptian and had to flee Egypt to save his life.

For forty years he wondered in the wilderness; never knowing the condition of his family and rendered useless to help them. It was then that God appeared in a bush that burned but was not consumed and He encountered Moses.

It was then that God said:

“I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows.” (Exo 3:7)

God revealed to Moses that he was not alone. God had seen not only him in the wilderness but also was aware of the condition of his family and people. Moses had established a new life but it was void of God’s presence and fellowship with fellow believers and he now experienced God’s presence in a way that changed his life as God revealed to Moses the new purpose He had for him.

Are you one of the many who feels abandoned and alone? Are you drifting through life without a defined purpose? When you are powerless to control your life is when God can do His greatest works. God’s word makes this fact clear. The following words will apply to any situation in your life. The Apostle Paul was in a difficult situation. After repeated times in deep prayer seeking relief from his “thorn”, God gave Paul, no relief from his “thorn” but, the purpose for his distress. The Apostle said God spoke and said to him:

“My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly, therefore, will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” (2 Co 12:9)

I do not know what life situation you are in that has you feeling alone, separated, desperate or depressed but I do know what God can do for you. He can change your life. The life situations you can not control will drive to God who can and when this happens you will discover God’s “grace is sufficient.” This alone would be enough reward from pain and suffering but God does not stop at His grace alone. Along with discovering the sufficiency of God’s grace, He also increases His “strength”.  It is released when we are not able to use our strength to “help Him.” The final and most important aspect of walking through the shadows in the valley of your despair is finding a new and deeper understanding of Jesus. The Apostle said that in his time of difficulty he discovered a new relationship with Jesus. Paul said God revealed to him the final purpose of his time in pain, “that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”

Look to Jesus for His power to walk with you in the time of trouble, pain, and despair and you will gain a new and deeper relationship with God and His people. Although you may feel alone; if you have Jesus as your Saviour you also have Jesus as your friend.

Giving council to the born-again on how they should live their lives, the Apostle Paul said, “be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” (Heb 13:5) God is watching out for you and over you.

The words God spoke to Moses, He also speaks to you:

“I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows.”

God knows your affliction and hears your cry and He knows your sorrows and will “never leave” you or “forsake” you.

Jesus is near. Call on Him and His strength and you will experience His power and His grace in a supernatural way.

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