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Friend for Life – Gospel.PUB

Friend for Life

More than just a Friend!

Many ramifications in our life are not trappings we pack on own but are the result of the choices others make for us as children. My family lived a nomadic life as my father followed work to provide for our family and as a result; we often lived in several towns in a span of a single school year.

Make one true friend.

Always the new kid at school, I was often friendless and lonely. Bemoaning my friendless condition, my father told me, “If you make one true friend in your life you will do more than most people.” I would not understand my Father’s words until many years had passed.

Although my Father only had a third-grade education, he was wise in the way this world operated. My Father was driven from home at an age of 13 by a harsh step-father. Alone and fending for himself, I am sure there were many days and nights he was truly alone and friendless. At the age of 16, my Father was inducted into the Civilian Conservation Corps(CC camps), a public work relief program during the great depression. Soon after, he was inducted into the Army to fight in the Pacific Theater in World War II.

A Friend Loveth at all times!

Now, more than a decade older than my Father was when he went to be with Jesus, I understand what King David meant in the words he said about his friend Jonathan as he mourned his death, “Thy love to me was wonderful.” 2 Samuel 1:26

David, before he was King, made a friend. Jonathan was more than just a person in David's life; Jonathan was the kind of relationship my Father said if you made you have achieved more than most people ever will. Jonathan was a Proverbs 17:17 friend, “A friend loveth at all times.”

David, the King of Israel, recalling the sweetness of the fellowship he had with his friend Jonathan, was broken with his death. When the King said, “Thy love to me was wonderful,” his heart was in joy and pain in the memories of Jonathan. 

You dear one have a greater friend in Jesus than King David had with Jonathan. The love that Jesus has for you is demonstrated with these words from the Saviour:

“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.”  John 14:1-3

Death had separated King David from his best friend Jonathan but the death of Jesus is what made Jesus your friend. Jesus indeed is a friend that “loveth at all times” in life and in death. Jesus said when death casts its shadow on you He will, “receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.”  

Jesus’ love removed the spots and stain of sin, replaced your sinfulness with righteousness and now is building a mansion for you. Jesus is your friend. Jesus changed not just what you are but who you are. He said, “I call you not servants… I have called you friends.”

What a Friend we have in Jesus

A young man named Joseph Scriven, who lost the love of his life when she was thrown off her horse into a river the day before they were to marry, responded to his grief by writing the words that later would become a well-known hymn. Joseph in his grief wrote these words, “What a Friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear!”

Yes, Jesus is our friend! Even in great personal loss, our Friend bears not only our sin but our suffering and loss as well. We've no other friend like Jesus. Love Him, serve Him and trust Him.

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